Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cancer risk of chemicals in the environment uncertain

their potential role in causing cancer, according to a new report from the President's Cancer Panel released Thursday.Government and industry should invest much more money in researching the potential risks of such chemicals — and that research should be done before the chemicals come into wide use, not after large numbers of people have been exposed to them, the report said. The report makes few concrete recommendations, said the panel chairman, Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. of the Howard University College of Medicine. "Everyone said, 'Please, whatever you do, make sure any definitive statement is based on evidence,' " he said, and that evidence simply isn't available yet.
"I think one of the major things to come out of this report will be an improvement of consumer awareness" of the number of potential risks people may be exposed to, he said.
Reaction to the report was mixed.
"We agree that there are many important issues here … but a reader would come away from this report believing that pollutants cause most cancer," said Dr. Michael Thun, emeritus vice president of epidemiology at the American Cancer Society. In fact, he said, most cancers are caused by tobacco, alcohol, overexposure to ultraviolet light, radiation and sexually transmitted infections. The report "presents an unbalanced perspective" of the relative importance of these various factors, he said.
Thun also took issue with a statement in the report that said the true burden of environmental pollutants is "grossly underestimated."
That, Thun said, is the view of some "but by no means a clearly established fact."
Elizabeth M. Whelan, president of the American Council on Science and Health, whose views often coincide with industry's, noted that despite the growing exposure to chemicals in the environment, "cancer death rates are going down. The so-called environmental trace levels of chemicals play no role whatsoever in the etiology of cancer."
But Julia G. Brody, executive director of the Silent Spring Institute, formed 15 years ago to investigate environmental links to breast cancer, noted that much of the decrease in cancer rates is because of reduced smoking. Breast cancer rates have remained steady, while hormonal cancers, testicular cancer, children's cancer and brain cancer are increasing, she said.
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